containR: Youth Mural Project Launch
Forward by Spider, Carl and Vanessa:
Going into designing these murals we really didn’t have a clear idea of what we wanted the end product to be. During the design process, we bounced rough ideas off of ideas the others in the group had, taking things we liked, adding to them, changing our designs and rethinking them. We also used writing and theatre to influence and inform us of the deeper meaning from our pieces. After many dead ends and various idea pathways, we eventually landed on the three designs now installed at the ContainR site. We had a lot of fun designing and painting these murals and hope that the community will enjoy them as much as we do.
While We Are Young
While We Are Young is centered around youth making change and preparing for the future. It is time to make change in the present and not to wait on an opportunity, instead put in the effort to create that opportunity yourself. The young figure is stretching as to prepare her body for the challenges of her journey. She is facing towards the butterflies which symbolize the concept of hope and “The Butterfly Effect” and how our current actions can impact the future greatly. They also add a calming, playful touch to the piece which ties into the youthful theme. She is also facing away from the moths, which represent her past, and are considered the opposite of butterflies. The colours used represent the bright, lively and adaptable mind of the youth. Overall this piece is a statement empowering adolescent, youth and all others to be inspired to make change.
Turtle Island
The aim with this piece entitled “Turtle Island” was to speak to the issue of global warming and pollution in an accessible and creative manner. The turtle carrying a city bustling with skyscrapers on its back barely afloat in an ocean polluted by garbage underlines the need for climate action and ocean protection, especially our home in North America. We chose a cool colour scheme to reflect the serious atmosphere of our piece and focused on incorporating newly acquired spray paint techniques to make our vision a reality. We hope that our collaborative work sparks conversation, multiple interpretations and interacts well with the other murals at the ContainR site.
Deep in the forest there lies a fortress, surrounded by fungi, creatures and monsters of all sorts. This piece challenges you to be adventurous and explore the unknown. It encourages you to look deeper at scary situations to see the beauty and magic that may be hidden. Mushrooms grow to be beautiful and powerful creations off of dead things and represent rebirth, new life and change. The mycelium network in the forest connects everything together so this piece also represents the wisdom of the forest and connection.