Everything II — Springboard Performance

Everything II





JULY 4, 2019 - 7PM

Co-presented with PSi#25: ELASTICITY

Location: Riverwalk Plaza, East Village - 608 Confluence Way SE.

Meeting point outside the Simmons Building at 6:50pm.

Everything II is one immigrant’s way of acknowledging the indigenous territory on which she dances.

In this solo work, the dance comes out of a negotiation between what the dancer carries and the surface on which she dances. Using Daoist ritual objects such as I-ching sticks, incense and spirit paper, the dancer creates a chance-operated environment that offers obstacles and openings around which she moves. Surrendering to the inherent nature of each object - the weight, the energy and the tasks attached to each of the objects - the body is called into a dance that connects the human body to the elements.

Embedded in the piece is both a personal as well as a public ritual of acknowledgment – of who we are and where we are.


Lee Su-Feh is a dancer, choreographer, teacher, and dramaturge who has spent the last 30 years exploring the human body as a site of intersecting habits and histories. Born and raised in Malaysia, her early training began with a mix of traditional and contemporary South-east Asian dance and theatre. Since then, she has studied contemporary dance and theatre in Europe and North America with a variety of teachers and has along the way, developed a somatic approach to movement and voice deeply influenced by her lifelong studies in Chinese martial arts, Qigong and Daoism. Since 2010, she has been exploring the Fitzmaurice Voicework® in her practice; and is a certified Associate Teacher of the method.

Image credit: Artist Lee Su-Feh, Photography Yvonne Chew